| Via Nazario Sauro, 85 |
Potenza Basilicata |
| + 39 0971 202011 |
| protocollo@pec.unibas.it |
| portale.unibas.it |
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
There are six Academic Divisions (four Departments and two Schools) within the University of Basilicata, in charge of developing, organising and offering academic, research and training programmes and activities.
They were established in 2012, replacing the pre-existing twelve Departments and eight Faculties, in compliance with Italian law no. 240/2010 concerning 'university governance and organisation, academic staff and recruitment', and regulating how public universities must amend their statutes on the subject of governance and internal organisation, in the context of a comprehensive public-sector reorganisation.
The new University Statute was issued by the Rector on April 12, 2018 (Decree no. 88).