| Ottava Strada, 5 - Zona Industriale - 95121 |
Palermo Sicilia |
| +39 095 5968261 |
| distrettomicronano@distrettomicronano.it |
| www.distrettomicronano.it |
Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi
The Distretto Tecnologico Sicilia Micro e Nano Sistemi is a consortium including Companies, Universities, Research organisations, and Associations representing manufacturing and service companies in Sicily. It represents an intergrated and coherent system of “research-training-innovation” which is meant to support the sustainable economic growth following specific strategic directions: sustainability, aggregation, enhancement and interpretation of the territory, attraction of talents, dexterity, control and monitoring.
Company Profile Distretto Micro e Nano